Kamis, 07 November 2013

serba-serbi FIK UMJ

situs psik umj


 Nursing Bachelor, Faculty of Nursing University of Muhhammadiyah Jakarta

Nursing Science Program Faculty of Medicine and Health , University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta , formed a partnership with the College of Nursing Nopparat Boromarajonano Vajira ( BCNNV ) , nursing institutions under the Nursing Association of Thailand .

Cooperation signed by the Rector , Prof. Dr. Hj Masyitoh with BCNNV Chairman , Dr. RN PhD Pimpat Chantian , on February 20, 2013 in Thailand . Also witnessing the signing of which , the Secretary - ISTA PSIK Prodi , Irna Nursanti and Cooperation Program PSIK FKK ISTA , Ninik Yunitri.

Prof Dr Hj Masyitoh welcomes education cooperation with Thailand . He called the agreement as the first step in the development of nursing science to be more global perspective .

" Cooperation PSIK FKK muhhammadiyah University jakarta with BCNNV as an effort to improve the quality of faculty and students of both institutions , " he added .

Masyitoh acknowledge the cooperation of both parties also conducted in conducting joint research and exchange of information seminars and international conferences as part of the tri dharma college .

While in Thailand , the Rector and his entourage PSIK ISTA also reviewing classroom facilities , laboratories and other educational facilities contained in BCNNV. They also make a visit to the university under the auspices BCNNV, including Kasetsart University. The plan, the BCNNV will make a reciprocal visit to PSIK this April .

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